Saturday, September 30, 2006

Done with Film Cameras

Stupid film cameras. I am done with them for now. I just developed a roll of film from back from my Boston, my friend Mitch's wedding, and from a tennis tournament in DC. Only about 5 of the pictures actually turned out, with the pictures from Mitch's wedding and the tennis tournament being horrible. It cost $14 to get it developed with a photo CD! No more. I can't wait until I get the big end of the year bonus later this month and am able to get a nice digital camera:) I was originally thinking of getting a big SLR camera, but am now leaning towards a smaller digital camera that can fit in my pocket. Here's a pretty good picture of Candy from Boston that was taken in front of the oldest street in Boston.


At 10:37 PM, Blogger L. Sanchez said...

Boston is pretty. I'd live there...only they talk funny. And then there are all those damn college kids. Or rather: Kawlege kids.


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