Saturday, September 23, 2006

Internet Jake is dying

I must say that I don't really post stuff nearly as much as I used to back in the day of the 200 something posts that I put on the message board. I think my scapegoat is Candy, she is clearly killing Internet Jake ever since she has moved out :( It's probably more realistically that I don't really feel like coming back from work and spending more time on the computer, and would rather hang out and chat with Candy. I guess there's always some down time to post about stuff, but I usually am pretty lazy about doing that and keeping up with random things going on. I think Candy does a better job of that, talking about the whole couch situation, moving, etc.


At 12:50 AM, Blogger L. Sanchez said...


Is internet Jake singing "Daisy" and slowing morphing into a deep, drawn out drawl?


You're right though. Candy is a far superior blogger than you.

And she's prettier.

Poor The Jake.

I guess the term My Better Half really does apply here.

At 10:07 PM, Blogger Maria said...

What's up with the phrase "since Candy moved out"? From your perspective, shouldn't it be "since candy moved IN"? I'm no psycho-analyst, but I wonder if The Jake really is bitter about Candy's recent arrival. He must have some insecurities about being hte inferior blogger.


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