Sunday, August 20, 2006

Angela's party

Since Candy was the designated driver for the last coworker party, I was the DD for Angela's party last night. I limited myself to two beers for the night. Angela bought twister for the party, but no one played it, we just played this apples to apples game that got kind of boring. Eventually, a drinking game was made out of it where the person with the worst answer was going to take a shot of Jameson. Since I was driving, Candy was my designated drinker. So she ended up taking around 3 shots of Jameson because of my bad answers for the game:) She had a huge hangover the next day and was quite drunk at the end of the party.

The other interesting thing about the party was when we were in Angela's room, her and a few other people were lying down on her bed and Jesse (His reaction is shown taking a shot of Jameson.) decided to mess with them by lifting up the mattress. Upon lifting said mattress, a porn DVD was found that Angela claims wasn't hers, right ... It was some lesbian flick to, no dudes making their appearances.


At 2:06 PM, Blogger Maria said...

Designated drinker: Good idea!!!

Lesbian porn: Great Idea!!!

But, seriously, isn't keeping porn under your bed something for high schoolers? Were adults now. If I had porn (which I don't-- you can even check under my bed), I'd keep it on the dvd rack right next to "Tombstone".

At 10:38 AM, Blogger L. Sanchez said...


Did she have a roommate?

That would be a clever trick to play on someone...plant a porn DVD under their bed and think up a clever excuse to overturn it and expose them as perverts.

I'm so gullible. If she says it wasn't hers, I'm very much able to believe it.

Meanwhile: this is precisely why I leave my porn lying around. I like for people to know from the get go that I'm a goddamned pervert with no qualms about it.

PS If I were you, I would have answered poorly on purpose so that my "designated drinker" would get superbly trashed.


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